A lot of the chicks that you meet at free fuck finder sites are actually quite deep, not just in physical terms. While that is quite true for many women, I’m talking about something more profound. I’m talking about the fact that women who are very sexually active tend to be dismissed by a lot of guys.
You have to remember that guys often think in black and white terms. Either you’re a virgin or you’re a whore. There is no middle ground. In their mind, it doesn’t occur to them that a woman who’s otherwise very moral, very virtuous and very kind and loving can also be a sexual being. There is nothing wrong with a woman who prefers to orgasm at least five times every time she has sex with her partner. There’s nothing wrong with a woman that explores as many different sexual partners, sexual styles and experiences as possible.
Now I’m not going to play the double standard game of “hey, if guys can do it, why can’t women?” I’m not going to go down that route. Instead, I’m going to appeal to a sense of deep personal philosophical fairness. The truth is, we are all entitled if we allow ourselves to the whole range of experiences the world has to offer. Yes, that includes sex. Why is it that this full range of living life to the fullest is only available to men?
Unfortunately, women allow themselves to get trapped by these fucked up ass backwards thinking of the past and end up becoming sexual dwarfs. By sexual dwarf, I’m talking about a woman who just forces herself to come only once because that’s what "good women" do. She doesn’t allow herself to go crazy with multiple orgasms because, hey, that’s something only a prostitute does. Talk about mental slavery, talk about holding yourself down unnecessarily.
You have to understand these different dynamics because these are the types of people that you will come across, as displayed over here. Thankfully, a lot of the women that you meet at free fuck finder sites have managed to free themselves of that bullshit. If they are able to do it, so can you. Let’s put it this way, the typical online anonymous sex dating site is not just there for sex. It can actually be a gateway to higher levels of a personal freedom, expression, and yes, consciousness.